




Dr. Wencai Yang, Professor

Institute of Geo-science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China


Dr. Wencai Yang, a professor of Institute of Geosciences in Zhejiang University, researching and teaching on Earth imaging and geodynamics. He was born in Guangdong province in 1942, graduated from Beijing Geology Institute in 1964, and got Ph.D from McGill University in Canada in 1984. He was a Royal Fellowship member of UK in 1987 and academician of Chinese Academy of Science since 2005, and has been an executive committee member of Chinese Geological Society and Chinese Geophysical Society; the Chief-editor of Geological Review since 2008.


The Singular Energy Points Changes the Global Structural Modes


After we describe the world by the energy function, we will see that the great changes in the appearance of the earth, since the Carboniferous period, are caused by the appearance of the upper mantle energy singularity below the continents, which promote the accretion of the continents and the deformation of the lithosphere, and change the global tectonic pattern. Earth's mantle energy singularities include continental fault conjunctions, continental syntaxis, asthenosphere diapirs, and Great Rifts. The expansion and divergence of energy singularities, and their evolution from continental splitting, mid-ocean ridge expansion, continental drift to continental collision and subduction,are discussed based on three-dimensional imaging of the upper mantle beneath the South African fault trijunction, the Tibetan Plateau syntaxis, the Baiyunebo asthenosphere diapir, and the Great Rift Valley.

Dr. Mingxin Liu, Professor

State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China


Dr. Mingxin Liu was born on Oct. 1989. His B.Sc. thesis was fulfilled from Tsinghua University with Prof. Yongge Wei and Prof. Lei Liu. He then finished his PhD at McGill University supervised by Prof. Chao-Jun Li. After finishing his PhD he completed his postdoctoral study with Prof. Zetian Mi from the University of Michigan. He began his independent career as a full professor at Lanzhou University by the end of 2020. His research interest is the application of 'green' reagents in synthetic methodology and their sustainable application in Chemical Biology.


Nature-Chemistry Relationship Involving Oxygenated Organic Compounds


Oxygenated organic compounds (OOC), represented by alcohols, carbonyls, and their derivatives, are ubiquitous in both synthetic realm and natural molecules. Therefore, the study of OOC serves as an ideal platform to further investigate the tie between Chemistry and Nature. During the past 5 years, we have revealed various toxicological effects of -OH functional group both in vivo and in vitro using polyethylene as the platform. In addition, we have developed a series of more sustainable synthetic methodologies for OOCs that minimize the environmental impact on nature and the society. The interdisciplinary study was aiming to further advance the development of green chemistry and strengthen the tie between the environment and the society.




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